"Welcome to Mianz International School"

Welcome to Mianz International School, Mianz International School found in the year January 2019, by Mianz Pvt ltd the school is designed to cater students from Foundation level to secondary level. Mianz International School is a community of learners who are committed to creating an academically rigorous, culturally caring and inclusive learning environment. We believe

Basic Plan/ Strategy

  Innovative, thematic and skill based modules combine the best of the Playway and Learning at Mianz. The well-balanced and holistic modules provide the hands-on exploratory learning experience and are so designed that each child blossoms with a unique personality.

  An array of activities that help in the development of every aspect of the child are planned under different modules/units. Each module with a specific topic is narrowed down to various lessons. Each lesson focuses on a specific concept keeping in mind the short attention span of the little ones and at the same time recapitulates the concepts learnt in the earlier lesson/ module.

  At this stage, focus is not just on the academic skills but on building up the whole personality of the child in the growth years. We emphasize on teaching basic socio-emotional skills of the child in a group setting and also teaching them discipline by having a structured routine like beginning of the day with morning songs, storytelling, outdoor playtime, art, music and dance etc.


Montaigne has beautifully mentioned in one of his essays that ‘Children’s games are hardly games. Children are never more serious than when they play’. Henceforth, our curriculum is delivered in a Play-way method through myriad thematic activities to maximize the availability of opportunities for the cognitive, psychomotor and effective domain of learning and corresponding development areas.

Our learning Process integrates creativity and academic development that encourages curiosity and joy of learning. Mind of a child is very creative but it requires careful understanding, triggering and shaping. Our teachers and the varied teaching aids work like catalyst and provide unlimited horizon to the children to develop and boost their creativity, be it with ideas, formation skills, colour recognition or exploration, music, drawing, singing or dancing. Children are free to grow, develop and discover their full potential in an environment that not only keeps them rooted in their tradition and values, but also helps them grow to international heights.